Welcome to the website of the Royal School, Armagh. The school’s original foundation in 1608 was “For the increase of learning and good manners”. This twin objective of promoting knowledge and building sound character remains today.
Whilst each year our pupils achieve the highest levels of academic success in public examinations, we believe that a good education is about more than just gaining qualifications. A good education is about one’s character and the endeavor to be a positive influence on others. The willingness and ability to learn, to lead, to serve and to build strong relationships are what enable a life to be well lived. We believe that by developing a strong work ethic and holding a growth mindset our pupils will go on to flourish academically, morally and socially.
The school’s ethos is its characteristic spirit or culture and it is based upon Christian values, acknowledging and celebrating the value and uniqueness of each individual, promoting and maintaining high standards of personal conduct, striving for the best possible individual achievement, caring for each other and contributing to the life of the school and wider community.
This is a school where tradition and progress go hand in hand, traditional values of hard work, good manners and respect for self and others combine with forward-thinking learning and teaching practices to ensure our young people are equipped to succeed in the modern world.
Pupils joining the school encounter consistent rules, role models and traditions which help them quickly feel part of the Royal School community, to take responsibility for themselves and each other and make a positive contribution to school life.
We work hard to ensure an effective pastoral system operates which, at its core, values each pupil for their uniqueness.
We are influenced by the work of the German educationalist Kurt Han whose philosophy is centered on the conviction that schools should be infused with the ideals of:
Throughout this website and by following the school’s activities on Facebook or Twitter, we believe you will see these ideals in practice.
For over four centuries the Royal School, Armagh has served as one of Ireland’s premier schools. Today it flourishes as a vibrant school community for pupils aged from 3 to 19. Pupils are drawn from in and around County Armagh and also much further afield through our large international boarding department which is a valued and integral part of the school.
The Royal School has membership of the prestigious Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference (HMC). This is an association which represents the Heads of the top 250 schools in the UK. Membership is accepted as a mark of excellence in education and is an indication of the high academic standards and commitment to whole person education in the school. Having visited the website, you are welcome to visit the school; please feel at liberty to make an appointment to see our facilities for yourself.
Graham G W Montgomery