The Board of Governors

The Headmaster, Mr Montgomery, is responsible to the Board of Governors on all school matters. The Board currently comprises 27 Governors and 1 co-opted Governor. The Board bears responsibility in law for the activities of the school. The Secretary to the Board, Mr McConnell, advises on governance, legal matters and the financial framework. Many governors are ‘Old Armachians’ and parents (past and present) and the composition of the Board covers a comprehensive range of the professional skill-sets required to lead and run such a large and diverse organisation, both operationally and strategically.
The principal functions of the Board are:
1. To monitor and to advise on all aspects of the school’s activities
2. The control of the school’s finances.
All decisions are taken by the full Board, which meets four times each year. The Management Committee of the Board, which comprises a sub-set of the Governors, meets eleven times each year and approves the budget and all capital expenditure. The Management Committee is also concerned with staffing and the upkeep of school facilities.
The Board consists of 27 members (26 voting and the Headmaster non-voting) appointed as follows:-
Foundation Governors
5 Governors elected by the Council of the Diocese of Armagh
His Grace, The Most Revd John McDowell, Archbishop of Armagh, Primate of All Ireland
Very Revd S Forster, Dean of Armagh
Revd M Kingston
Dr P Reaney
Mr M Dickson
3 Governors elected by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland
Revd A McNeely
Mr W H Scott
Revd E P Gamble (Vice-chairman)
1 Governor elected by the Conference of the Methodist Church in Ireland
Mr H McMullan
6 Co-Opted Governors
Mr T Edgar
Mrs K Taylor
Mr D R D Mitchell
Mr I Lewis
Rt Hon. the Lord Kilclooney
Mrs K Reaney
6 Governors appointed by the Department of Education and the Education Authority
3 Department of Education
Mr I Hutchinson
Mr R Wilson
Mr M Greenaway
3 Education Authority
Mr I McCall
3 Parent Governors
Dr K King
Mr B Taylor
Mr N McCool
2 Teacher Governors
Mrs G L Montgomery
Mr S Cardwell
Mr G G W Montgomery
Secretary to the Board
Mr S T H McConnell