Old Armachian Society
We believe that connections to school shouldn’t end when you stop being a pupil. The Old Armachian Society helps to maintain links between pupils, across year groups, and between pupils and their former teachers. Membership of the society is exclusive to past pupils of The Royal School Armagh and the former Armagh Girls’ High School. It does not matter how long you were a pupil.
As well as helping to maintain a continued connection with the school as you progress through life, the society also hosts some excellent annual social events to bring members together and promote the values and wellbeing of the school. Events include participating in the Interview Skills Night for Sixth Form pupils, the Autumn BBQ, Georgian Wine & Cheese Evening, and the annual Service of Remembrance.
Representatives also attend the annual Speech Night, where the society often presents a medallion to an outstanding Old Armachian and the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols.
The main event of the year is the Annual Dinner held in the historic, Big School Room.
The Society boasts an extensive network of members across a broad range of professions both nationally and internationally. Through this network, school leavers can have access to invaluable advice, skills, and experience to guide and support them as they transition to the next phase of their life.
Membership is free for life and requires only some basic details so the Committee can keep in touch.
Anyone interested in joining should send an email to oldarmachians@gmail.com and they will send you a membership form.