Boarding Trip – Ice Hockey Match 
By Marie Li, sixth form boarder at The Royal School, Armagh
On Friday 1st October, 2021 there was an exciting trip for boarders to watch an ice hockey match at the SSE Arena!
It was the first match of the season back with the Stena Belfast Giants against Dundee Stars and we all enjoyed the match very much. Many of our overseas boarders have never spectated an ice hockey match before as well so it was a spectacular opportunity for them to step out of their comfort zone and learn about something new!
Some of the boarders have also taken this great opportunity to take pictures with the mascot and truly immersed themselves into the event and enjoy the evening.
Last Friday I watched my first Ice-Hockey game because in Germany Ice-Hockey isnβt that common, but I really enjoyed it. The atmosphere in the arena was so good and in the end the Belfast Giants won 2:0
Christina, Y13 boarder from Germany

Group photo of sixth form boarders who went on the trip