The idea of the RSA Enrichment Programme came to fruition during the early stages of the Coronavirus pandemic. It was realised that in these unprecedented times, we all faced a number of academic and emotional challenges. As a way to congratulate our pupils for the hard work put into online learning over the lockdown period, we designed a fun and innovative programme to help alleviate the burden of lockdown.
As the school year came to a close, we wanted to provide pupils with some opportunity to engage and develop skills in a fun and rewarding way. Through the Enrichment Programme, we created a series of tasks designed to promote Thinking Skills & Personal Capabilities as well as promoting mental wellbeing. We learn lessons both inside and outside the classroom and our activities were designed to reflect this.
The tasks weren’t prescriptive and allowed for creativity and interpretation. They provided opportunities for working together and connecting with others meaning members of one household could also get involved.
Thinking Skills & Personal Capabilities
Managing Information
Thinking, Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
Being Creative
Working with Others
Take 5 – Wellbeing – Link to website
Most of us know when we are mentally and physically well, but sometimes we need a little extra support to keep well.
There are five simple steps to help maintain and improve your wellbeing which we have tried to build into our activities.
The steps are:
Be Active
Take Notice
Keep Learning
RSA Enrichment Award level 2 required the completion of at least 15 tasks. RSA Enrichment Award level 3 required the completion of at least 25 tasks.
We were delighted to be able to offer an array of prizes. We would especially like to thank Mr. Simon Cuttle of Centra Deansbridge for his generous contributions towards these prizes:
3 x £50 Amazon vouchers
4 x £25 family shopping vouchers (courtesy of Deansbridge Filling Station)
5 x £10 Amazon vouchers
Congratulations to all prize winners