Pastoral Care
At the Royal School we strive to instil timeless qualities in our students, whilst preparing them for life in a modern society. The education we provide extends far beyond the classroom, and our young people grow in all aspects of their lives. As a full boarding school, the pastoral education and care of our pupils is particularly important and the support we provide is equally available to all our day pupils. The caring ethos is evident in the pastoral structures in the School. Pastoral care is about the welfare of pupils, concern for their health, physical, emotional, social and behavioural development, protecting them from harm and reinforcing the role of family in developing sound moral and social qualities in preparation for adulthood. It is underpinned by the School ‘Child Protection Policy’ which recognizes our legal responsibility for the care, welfare and safety of the pupils in our charge.
Our objective is to provide a caring, supportive and safe environment, valuing individuals for their unique talents and abilities, in which all our young people can learn and develop to their full potential both in the classroom and outside.
All members of the teaching staff have a contractual involvement in pastoral care but formal responsibility for such matters is undertaken by the Headmaster, the Head of Pastoral Care, the Senior Teacher in charge of girls’ welfare, the Head of Boarding the Heads of Year, House Masters/Mistresses, Class Tutors and a school counsellor
The Pastoral Team meets regularly to monitor the progress and behaviour of individual pupils, whether day or boarding pupils. It comprises the Head of Pastoral Care, Senior Teacher in charge of girls’ Welfare who is also the Special Education Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO), the Heads of Year and the Head of Personal & Social Education with responsibility for curricular provision.
The training of staff goes beyond teachers to all those who have contact with the pupils. With the resulting knowledge of those in our charge and building on the valued contacts with parents and guardians maintained by the Heads of Year and Head of Boarding, the school can be justly proud of our Pastoral Care.
In the Preparatory Department, provision is made through the head of department and the regular contacts with staff.
House Masters/Mistresses monitor and encourage participation in extra-curricular activities which are regarded as having an essential role in developing the self-esteem of pupils.
The Head of Careers supports in the provision of Careers counselling and the preparation of the summative Record of Achievement.
The Deputy Head (Pastoral Care) is the designated teacher for Child Protection. and Drug Awareness.
Class Tutors see a registration class of pupils each morning and have a responsibility for the receipt of letters explaining absence. Each Wednesday there is a Morning Meeting to allow pupils and tutors to exchange views on current issues in school and beyond.
Year Heads are the key staff in Pastoral Care. They are the initial points of contact, in normal circumstances, for staff, home and pupils on issues that relate to the academic progress and behaviour of pupils.