Royal School consolidates its place in the Sunday Times Parent power League Tables
Sunday 03 December saw the publication of the Sunday Times Parent Power League Tables for 2023, perhaps the most influential survey of school performance. Schools are ranked according to pupil performance at the top grades in both GCSE and A Level. We are delighted to find ourselves ranked as the 17th best performing school in Northern Ireland and the 83rd best performing secondary school in the United Kingdom. This ranking represents a rise of two places on last year. While we knew that our pupils had experienced significant success at these top grades in the summer of 2023 it is gratifying to see it confirmed in this public way.
Success like this doesn’t happen overnight and it doesn’t come easily. It is the result of consistent hard work by pupils, excellent teaching by our specialist staff and strong support from home. As a school, we are committed to ensuring that we continue to provide engaging learning experiences for all our pupils.
Pupils don’t perform highly in examinations unless they are well supported pastorally and have fulfilling school experiences outside the classroom. That’s why we are extremely grateful for the extra effort put in by so many members of staff who give sacrificially of their own time to maintain our vibrant extracurricular programme.
While it’s nice to have our success at the top grades recognised, we are conscious that individual success does not require an A* or A grade. As a school which places individual pupils at the centre of what we do we will continue to work hard, to ensure that each pupil is able to achieve their individual potential and enter upon higher education, training, or employment in a manner which brings them personal fulfilment.
We are committed to ensuring quality learning and teaching experiences for each pupil, individual care extended to each learner and real opportunities for young people to develop their character and so prepare them for life after school.