About Mr. Forrest

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So far Mr. Forrest has created 54 blog entries.

British Education Brilliance: The Royal School Armagh’s Daniel Takes the Crown in 2024!

British Education Brilliance: The Royal School Armagh’s Daniel Takes the Crown in 2024! British Education Awards The British Education Awards (BEA) have been established to promote excellence in British education. This award recognises the value and importance of education and learning as the foundation for a good quality of life and for the future success [...]

By |2024-02-27T11:09:19+00:00February 26th, 2024|News|0 Comments

Royal School consolidates its place in the Sunday Times Parent power League Tables

Royal School consolidates its place in the Sunday Times Parent power League Tables Sunday 03 December saw the publication of the Sunday Times Parent Power League Tables for 2023, perhaps the most influential survey of school performance. Schools are ranked according to pupil performance at the top grades in both GCSE and A Level. We [...]

By |2023-12-05T11:44:17+00:00December 5th, 2023|News|0 Comments

The Deputy Secretary in the Department of Education visits RSA

The Deputy Secretary in the Department of Education visits RSA Yesterday we were pleased to host a visit from Mr Ronnie Armour, the recently appointed deputy secretary in the department of education. Mr Armour was taken on a tour of the learning and teaching facilities by the head boy and head girl before [...]

By |2023-12-01T13:05:34+00:00December 1st, 2023|News|0 Comments

Remembrance Service 2023

Remembrance Service 2023 On Friday, 10 November 2023, invited guests, staff, and pupils from across all year groups came together to reflect on those who serve, have served, and those who paid the ultimate sacrifice during the First World War and subsequent wars at the school’s annual Remembrance Service.The service was attended by guests [...]

By |2023-11-15T12:22:09+00:00November 14th, 2023|News|0 Comments

Achievement recognised by Royal School Armagh

Achievement recognised by Royal School Armagh St Mark’s Parish Church, Armagh was the venue on Thursday 21st September for our annual Speech Night. Following the academic procession, the ceremony was opened with the singing of ‘In Christ Alone’, and with prayers from the Rector of St Mark’s, Rev. Canon M T Kingston, and the Head [...]

Senior Prefects 2023 – 2024

Senior Prefects 2023 – 2024 The Head Girl, Head Boy, their deputies, and parents were today presented with their school badges at a buffet lunch. The event was held in keeping with a time-honoured tradition, and His Grace the Archbishop of Armagh, the Most Reverend John McDowell, was in attendance to present the [...]

By |2023-09-12T14:16:26+00:00September 12th, 2023|News|0 Comments

Fantastic GCSE achievement at RSA

Fantastic GCSE achievement at RSA The wait finally ended for Year 12 pupils as they collected their GCSE results from staff in the Assembly Hall from 08:30 on Thursday. As the envelopes were ripped opened hushed nervous conversation quickly turned to sighs of relief and screams of delight as the full extent of [...]

2023 A Level Exam Success at the Royal School

2023 A Level Exam Success at the Royal School Relief, celebration, and a few tears of joy were mingled at school this morning as another fine set of A Level results were recorded by pupils. These were the first A Level results since 2019 achieved through external examinations alone and there had much speculation [...]

Unique Service at the cathedral for The Royal School

Unique Service at the cathedral for The Royal School Tuesday the 9th May was a unique evening in the history of our school as two very special events were brought together into one special service. At the kind invitation of the Dean and Chapter of St Patrick’s Cathedral, the school held a special [...]

By |2023-05-23T09:50:48+00:00May 23rd, 2023|News|0 Comments

Bebras Top Performers Head to Oxford Computing Challenge

Bebras Top Performers Head to Oxford Computing ChallengeHuge congratulations to Benjamin Cochrane and William Parr on being invited to participate in the University of Oxford's 'Oxford University Computing Challenge', also known as the OUCC!The OUCC is an invitational event which aims to encourage pupils who have achieved a top 10% score in the UK Bebras [...]

By |2023-01-20T23:37:10+00:00January 20th, 2023|Computing, News|0 Comments
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