Excellent Results at RSA
The wait finally ended for pupils of The Royal School, Armagh as they collected their A Level and their GCSE results on Tuesday 10 and Thursday 12 August respectively. Another difficult academic year, which saw a prolonged period of school closure and the cancellation of examinations, was over.
A Level pupils accessed their results remotely from 08:30 on Tuesday morning and throughout the day many of them called at school to share their good news with their teachers and discuss their future pathways in higher education. We are delighted that the vast majority of our pupils are now able to set out on courses at their first choice of university. At A Level results were outstanding and a reflection of the hard work put in by pupils throughout their course.
At the Royal School 0ver 54% of entries achieved A* or A grades while 78% of all grades were within the A* – B range. Overall the percentage of pupils achieving three A Levels at the top grades, A*-C, was 85% while the overall A Level pass rate was 98.4%.
Referring to the exam success headmaster Mr Graham Montgomery said, “A Levels are a key stage in the educational journey of individuals. Education is about opening up life opportunities for young people and behind each batch of statistics is a young person and a family whose dreams have moved a step closer to realisation through these results.
I’m delighted that we have helped more pupils access high level university courses and I congratulate everyone involved in securing these results. Everyone at the Royal School wants to thank our Year Fourteen leavers for the magnificent contribution they have made to school life particularly in these last few difficult years and we wish them every success as they leave RSA to embark upon the next exciting stage of their education.”
At AS level pupils followed through commendably on their excellent GCSE performance of last year. This will provide an excellent platform for final A Level results next August.
GCSE pupils started arriving at the Assembly Hall from 9am on 12 August. Accompanied by their parents they eagerly opened the envelopes containing the results and trepidation was quickly followed by celebration, as once again, the overall results were outstanding. 98% of all grades awarded were ‘C’ or above, with 60% of them in the A/A* range.
Success was shared equally across day and boarding pupils, many of whom speak English as a second language. The fact that the pupils have done so well will ensure that they have a greater range and quality of career pathways, with the vast majority moving seamlessly onto A Level courses that will support their future aspirations.
The headmaster, Mr. Graham Montgomery acknowledged the achievement of all concerned saying, “These young people and their families have endured unique hardships throughout their courses with several periods of school closure and remote learning. Good qualifications are the foundation for success in education and later in employment. The success of our pupils at GCSE and A Level is a testament to their hard work and ambition and also the commitment of staff and the support of parents and families”.